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China’s Congratulation on the 100th Mekong River Joint Patrol

中国人民公安大学出版社  2021/3/9 11:33:14


  The 100th Joint Patrol by China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand reached a full conclusion on December 11, 2020. State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Zhao Kezhi, on behalf of the Ministry of Public Security of the P.R.C., extended a hearty congratulation on the successful operation. He advocated that the law enforcement authorities of relevant countries should act in accordance with the Mekong spirit of cooperation, innovation, rule of law, and win-win outcomes, and meet challenges with solidarity in combating cross-border crimes and fighting COVID-19. All counterparts should consolidate, intensify and substantiate the law enforcement and security cooperation along the river, take greater responsibilities in safeguarding regional stability and play bigger roles in fostering regional prosperity.
  Full text of the congratulation:

  Letter of Congratulation
  As the 100th Joint Patrol along the Mekong River by China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand drew to a conclusion, on behalf of the Ministry of Public Security of the P.R.C., I would like to extend a warm congratulation on its success, a cordial greeting to all the law enforcers on the mission, and heartfelt gratitude to all who support and safeguard regional stability!
  The world is now undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. Yet peace and development remain the theme of the times. The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has proved once again that the world is a community with a shared future wherein our interests are closely intertwined. In 2011, China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand released the Joint Declaration on Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation in the Mekong River Basin and blazed new trails by launching joint patrols. The last nine years have witnessed the adoption of such operations, and its development from the first to the one hundredth mission, as we forge ahead with an enterprising spirit.The law enforcers from the four countries have carried out earnest cooperation regardless of hardships; stayed committed to the Mekong spirit of shared interests, mutual assistance, inclusiveness, equality and mutual benefits; and set up a joint patrol command center with an emergency telephone line. The four countries have cooperated in cracking down on drug trafficking, illegal immigration, smuggling, telecommunication fraud and online gambling, maintaining social stability in a coordinated way. Despite the raging Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the law enforcement authorities concerned devised detailed plans and increased the joint patrol in a proactive and sure-handed manner. These efforts contributed toward a safe and stable environment for common prosperity and development in the Mekong River Basin, and effectively raised peoples’ senses of security contentment.
  Recently, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted the recommendations for formulating China’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for National Economic and Social Development and Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035. The plenum made strategic deployments in coordinating development and security, combating cross-border crimes and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. Security and stability are shared pursuits, and win-win cooperation is a consistent choice for all countries. China stands ready to work with all parties concerned under the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits; to offer its experience in maintaining social order and public security; to expand consensus on cooperation; and to improve friendship in law enforcement. Such collaboration is conducive to building a community with a shared future and promoting the economic and social development in favor of the locals.
  2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation Mechanism in the Mekong River Basin. Let us adhere to the Mekong spirit of cooperation, innovation, rule of law and win-win outcomes; meet challenges together with solidarity; make joint efforts to tackle cross-border crimes; and carry out practical collaboration in response to the pandemic. In doing so, we can push forward our cooperative ties in a more intensive, extensive and substantial manner, shoulder greater responsibilities in preserving regional stability and play more important roles in promoting regional prosperity.
  I would like to express a sincere greeting to all the participants of this mission. I wish you good health and all the best in the new journey ahead!
  My congratulations on the success of the 100th Mekong River joint patrol!


                                                                 Zhao Kezhi
             State Councilor and Minister of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China
                                                          December 11, 2020





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